Friday, March 18, 2011

Bees, Beavers, Bodies and Me.

Busy, Busy, Busy...

That is my only (lame-o) excuse for not posting anything here since I promised that I'd post here more often.

I've been working a few freelance gigs (including a F/T in-house freelance position), often putting in "double-shifts"...
(F/T hours designing a catalog - as well as art recreations and whatnot - for my most recent ex-employer, and then coming home to put in late hours on freelance projects for my old former job.)

And, while I'm most grateful for the sudden return of work, and the satisfaction of knowing that all the jobs that "let me go" for one reason or other, still desire my abilities and are trying to work things out...

... I am exhausted.

No time to to draw anything for myself.

Hopefully soon.
